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The related party transaction, share issuing project for asset purchasing and fund raising, of Yishi Group has been conditionally approved by CSRC

Pubdate:2015.07.27 Source: Hit:585

The related party transaction, share issuing project for asset purchasing and fund raising, of Yishi Group Co., Ltd (stock code:000796, Yishi Group), which Grandway has provided legal service, has been conditionally approved by the 61st committee of M&A Commission of CSRC

Yishi Group purchased the 100% share of Caissa Tongsheng Investment Co., Ltd held by HNA Tour Group and Caissa Shijia Tour Management and Agent Co., Ltd, and has raised the funds of 9 targets of HAINAN Airlines Group. After the prescribed restructuring project has finished, Caissa Tour will have a finger in the pie of Capital Market.